Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Box

This is not my typical "Danish" post.

I got a phone call from my sister Debbie yesterday.  And she asked me the oddest question.

"Mom and Dad had an air conditioning service out to look under the house.  The contractor had a 14 year old son helping him.  After a bit, the son went up to Mom and said "I found something really interesting under the porch.  It looks like it has been there a long time."

"Guess what he found" Debbie asked me.

Immediately I said "A shoebox?"

"Yes!!!!  How did you know?"

Mom asked the son to get the box and bring it up to her.

"The Box"

It was in rough shape,  the bottom was rotten, an old Belk Berry cardboard shoebox.

When they opened it, this is what they found.

And in the box was a note.

Now if you can read this, you have much better eyes than I!  My sister some how deciphered it and this is what it said:

"In this box is Water, Iron, Plastic, one Steel Razor Blade, one Rock, one piece of Tin, one piece of Floor Covering, one piece of Wood, one package of Acid Soil, one Coin from our money, one piece of Paper, and one box of Matches for starting fires."

"I hope this will be of some help to you".

Yours truly,
Butch Farabee
Debbie Farabee
Who live in the U.S.A.
This was made in 1967
The 20th Century

Somehow, I had remembered.  When Debbie and I were kids, (my nickname is "Butch"), we saw something about people putting a Time Capsule in a building as they were completing it.  I'm not sure if we saw it on TV, or read about it, or we may have heard about it in school.

Anyway, we decided to make one of our own.  We had recently added onto our house, adding a porch with a crawl space under it.  The perfect place to put a Time Capsule.

I didn't remember what we put in it until Debbie sent me the photos, but I remember getting a shoebox for the job.

On top of the box, we had placed a piece of wood and written on it in chalk:

I have no idea why we chose what to put in the box, but I remember being excited about someone finding our "treasure" hundreds of years from then.

Well, it didn't make 100 years, but it did make it 47 years.  Not bad!

Mom said the contractors son was very excited to see what was in the box.

Debbie and I also included a photo of us (including my baby brother Steven, who for some reason was not involved in our escapade!

Our Time Capsule worked!  We should have filled it with something important, but actually, I think we did.

I meant to ask Debbie if she got the contractors son to sign the piece of wood!  That would have been perfect.

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