Saturday, June 14, 2014

Det Fynske Dyrskue

Mette Lindemann, one of my colleagues at OMT, told me about a fair that was taking place this weekend.  So I rode my bicycle the 4 miles out to the fair ground and met her there.

"Det Fynske Dyrskue" translates to the Funen (the island I live on) Cattle show.  But it was really a good old fashion Agricultural Fair.

Mette lived on a farm growing up.  Her daughter Mai has ridden horses since she was small and the entire family has attended the fair for many years.  Mette was kind enough to spend the day with me and gave me the "Grand Tour".

There were cows

Lots of cows!

I found out that Bison was becoming very popular in Denmark.  There is an actual Bison ranch on the island.  (I wonder if the Bison can read the sign beside his head?  If so, I'm sure he's depressed right about now).

You could practice your milking skills here.

This was a little odd.  A dead baby seal.  All I'm going to say

This was a sport I had never heard of.  The woman in the middle has a rabbit on a leash and led it around the course hopping over the jumps!  It would have been more interesting with a jockey.

This was a Danish dunk tank.  No baseball here though, the kids kicked a soccer ball at the target to drop the guy in the water!

There were all kinds of antique tractors.  This one was a favorite of mine.  A 1956 (great year, my birth!) German Kramer.  Yes, a Kramer.

These were Danish Folk dancers in traditional costumes.  And yes, that's a Ben and Jerry's stand beside them.

My new dancing buddy

10,000 people at the fair and we see someone we know!  Hans Sørensen is one of the Engineers at OMT

This one's for my Mom.  The Danish 4H was there!

And there were horses everywhere!

This was a Fjord horse.  Check out the braided tail.  I'm pretty sure they don't come that way

And all age groups riding and having fun

And finally, Mette and her daughter Mai

Thank you so much Mette for sharing your day with me!  I had a blast.

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