Sunday, September 28, 2014


Little towns, big cities, no matter where you go, you will see pigeons.  The "urban bird".  Some people call them "rats with wings", but I have always thought they were beautiful.

If you go the City Square here in Odense, you can always see them walking around, doing the "pigeon walk", looking for food.  You know the walk, head strutting forward and back in rhythm with their feet.  I could watch them all day.

One thing I have never seen is a baby pigeon.  EVER.  Maybe they just appear.  Maybe they start out as adults.

Look what happened outside of our bathroom window.

I opened the bathroom window one morning to let the shower steam out.  That's when I noticed the pigeon sitting on a nest.

Mom on the nest

Over the course of a few weeks Mary and I watched the Mom on the nest until one day we saw little feathery balls.  Baby pigeons.

Closeup of the balls of feathers

Mom and Dad took turns on the nest for the next few weeks

They got bigger each day

One day they started looking like pigeons!

I took this one the day before they flew away with Mom and Dad.  I am sad to say I did not get a chance to see them fly, but now I know that baby pigeons exist!

I am on the lookout now for baby Elephants here in Odense, I will keep you posted, but I am sure I will not be as successful.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Beer Day

Yesterday was to be a typical Saturday for me.

I got up early as always and went to the hotel for breakfast.  I had my typical cup of coffee, glass of orange juice, and bowl of granola, fruit and yogurt.

I went back to the apartment, sorted clothes, loaded my bicycle trailer and went to the laundry.  After that was done, I put the clothes away and decided to go for a walk.

As I walked, I kept passing people with beer glasses in their hands.  All with the same kind of glass.

My walk took me to the market square.  There are usually many people there, shopping for vegetables, meats and cheeses.  But this Saturday there was something else there.

BEER DAY!  I asked and found out it was Odense Beer Day.  There were places all over the city with different types of beer.  I bought a glass and tickets and off I went.

My first was a local Oatmeal Stout.  My tickets are underneath the glass

There were different beer stand all over town

I had Wheat beer from Belgium

English Brown Ale

And a Vienna Lager

There were bands (the Danes know how to have a Beer Day)

And some very interesting people.  But I see these guys all the time.  I don't think these are costumes.

And just so everyone knows, the beer glass I was using was the one on the Left!  A standard pint glass is on the Right

And I made one mistake.  I found this unused ticket in my pocket this morning.  What a waste!