Thursday, January 23, 2014

From our Windows

These are photos I took looking out of the windows of our apartment on one of the "Sunny" days we had last week.  Rare these days!

Mary and I have beautiful views from our apartment.  I want to start capturing them here.

These are of the rooftops surrounding us.  (The church steeple in the first one is St. Albani's, one block over).

I will add to the "collection" in the coming months.

The last photo I had to include!  We live on the third floor.  A spiral staircase up all three floors.  38 steps.  Mary counted them.

Out for a walk, off to work, grocery shopping, out to eat, check the mail, go to the bank.

38 steps down, 38 steps up.

There are times I appreciate the fine work done by the Otis elevator company.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes, there are 38 stairs up and 38 stairs down. Promise Honest!!
