Sunday, October 19, 2014

Harry Potter Festival

This weekend, all the "Muggles" in Odense were taken over by Wizards!!!!  Harry Potter was in town.  And wow, does the city of Odense know how to host a festival.

One of the city squares was full of tents for children (of ages mind you) to practice spells, mix potions, purchase magic wands, and for two days, "live" in the world of Harry Potter.

It was amazing to see all the children dressed in full "Hogwarts" gear.  I saw more cloaks, Gryffindor scarfs, lightning scars, wands and round glasses then I had ever seen in one place.   Lord Voldemort and Dementors were everywhere.

It was great to see kids running around, waving wands, casting spells, and really getting into character.  And all the "bad guys" would react to spells, freezing, or running away.


There were "real Unicorns"!!

 And tiny wizards

There were exhibits at the local museum.  These are actual flying brooms.


All sorts of exhibits

Floating candles

Dragon Skeletons

And dragon eggs

The knight is the guy on the left

We saw characters all day long


Lord Voldemort and his henchman

Dementors attacked people in the square

And kids with magic wands chased them away

Even Snape was there

Jelly beans of ALL flavors

You could have your photo taken at Platform 9 3/4


Owls for sending messages

And Dobby the house elf was wandering around

And you could shop for a Magic Wand at Ollivander's

I even met Dumbledore!

And yes, I did get my very own magic wand.  Unfortunately it came with limited powers.

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