Sunday, October 12, 2014

Cars and Motorcycles (and a few Air Planes)

As I promised last week, this week is all about the cars, motorcycles, and everything else we saw at Egeskov Castle last week.

The Veteran Car Museum was founded on the grounds of the castle in 1967.  There are eight air planes, a helicopter, and over 50 restored and maintained automobiles, from the end of the the 19th century to the 1980s.

 Double Decker Bus from London


 1948 Cadillac Fleetwood

 1950 French Rovin

 This is a Messershmitt from 1963.  It had a clear top


 1933 French "Mignet".  This was a Do-It-Self kit plane that used an automobile engine

 Draken Saab F-35

 And just when we thought we were done with Cars, stairs led us to an attic full of cars waiting to be restored

And then, the Motorcycles.

1954 Scooter with a side car

 An 82 year old "hoarder" had this Harley hidden in a garage in Denmark, covered in junk.  He didn't know he had it until someone spotted the rear fender under debris and rescued it.

 This is a 1915 Henderson.  This motorcycle was buried in the ground under a workshop in 1940 and was found, and restored!

I have only shown some of the cars, planes and motorcycles Mary and I saw that day.  I had my eye on several of the cars, but I could not figure out how to get them back on the train with me.  I'm still working on it.

One final photo from our trip to Egeskov.  I forgot to post this one last week.  This was on certain doors and needs no explanation.

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